May 5-7, 2014
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
- Meting the Need: Purposeful Title I, Part A Homeless Set-Asides - Title I & Title X BFEP, FDOE
- Title I, Part C, Education of Migratory Children and Youth - Carol Gagliano, TIPC Director, BFEP
- Title I, Part and CEP - BFEP
- Linking Federal Programs for Student Success - Brian Dassler, FDOE
- Title I, Part A Project Application Development - BFEP
- Title III, Part A - SALA
- MEP - Reasonable, Allowable, Necessary - BFEP
- Office of Grants Management, FDOE
- The Super "Omni" Circular - Martha Asbury, FDOE
- Consolidated State Performance Report - Melvin Herring, FDOE
- Federal Education Update - Noelle Ellerson, AASA
- Title I, Part C Application Process - MEP, BFEP
- Private School Panel - FDOE
- School Improvement Planning - Sam Forester
- Title III Integration and Collaboration - Chane Eplin, SALA, FDOE
- Title III Services to Private Schools - Chane Eplin, SALA, FDOE
- Eligibility, School Selection, and the Dispute Resolution Process - Title X, BFEP, FDOE